Export coaching cut flowers
Export coaching cut flowers
Export coaching cut flowers
Export coaching cut flowers

Export coaching cut flowers

CBI Export Coaching Program fresh cut flowers in Uganda and Zambia (2004-2006)

From 2002 to 2007 CBI offered an ECP fresh cut flowers for exporters in Egypt, Uganda, Kenya and Zambia. Bureau Leeters was involved in the programme for Uganda and Zambia, which included:
- export audit missions of individual exporters in both countries
- financial benchmarking workshops and individual counselling

The Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) contributes to sustainable and inclusive economic development in developing countries through the expansion of export from these countries. By offering an integrated approach  which entails involving many different stakeholders in its work, from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to Business Support Organizations, governments and international organizations. As a result CBI can tackle many different issues that impede export.